After a VERY quick 9 weeks (from my perspective at least), he's gone! Elder Nitta left this morning, flew from SLC to NYC, from NYC to Austria, and then Austria to Slovenia. The mission home is in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He will start tracting there and then receive his assignment after a few days and likely head to Croatia by train. While he was waiting for his flight to Vienna he was able to call the family from the airport! It was so great to talk to him! He sounds absolutely great. It's still our Logan, but he's changed a bit. It's for the better though. It was good to hear his voice and not have to wait about a week for a response! He cannot wait to get to Croatia and start preaching. He is still a little uncomfortable with the language, but that's to be expected I think. He'll get it in no time. He was able to ride to the airport with a missionary that we know from home, Elder Wise, who is heading to Japan. There were also about 20 missionaries going to his area of Europe. They are all on the same flight together. He told us how they tried contacting people in the Salt Lake airport, but didn't really have any luck. Haha. I wonder why. He did tell us a cool story of how he found a guy with earrings and thought that he might have some luck with him. Not too far into the conversation, however, the man told Logan how he had served a mission in Germany and it was the best experience of his life. At first, all Logan could think about was how that "wasn't cool". He was referring to the earrings and how the man had fallen away from the church. Logan realized that it was really neat that even though that man wasn't active in the church any longer that his mission was still the highlight of his life. Pretty cool story. Then he left...for his 10+ hour plane ride. And we (me and Logan) thought the 5 hour flight to Hawaii was bad. Ouch, he's going to have FUN. We can't wait to talk to the kid during Christmas. He's going to be a GREAT missionary.
Here's his address in the field. It's the mission home, so it shouldn't change. He said that they would forward letters to wherever he is at, but not packages. I'll let you know where to send those as soon as I find out!
Elder Logan Nitta
Molekova Ulica 3
SI-1211 Ljubljana-Smartno
He also sent some pics with his last letter. Here's some of the pictures :)

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