Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hey everyone,

The address for the mission home that I gave you all before is correct. However, I guess that if you include "Slovenia/Croatia Mission" he is charged a fee. So, the address is the same, just don't include that part. Thus:

Elder Logan Nitta
Molekova Ulica 3
SI-1211 Ljubljana-Smartno

This address is the mission home. Send packages and letters here! Thanks and HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Skinny, Croatian Diet, and Being Japanese

His email to me:
(I asked him how he lost 15 pounds!)
"yeah i lost 15 pounds. the secret is to eat less than you do now and to work harder during the day. take stairs instead of elevators, walk everywhere, and if you can walk faster than you do normally. just take in less food and use more energy. also every morning do a little workout and eat a light breakfast. you know just like all the health people say. its really not that hard you just have to be focused and actually do it.
Everything is going good. still working hard and trying to work hard. we actually do have some investigators now, so the work has paid off. we have 3 right now. Saša, Boris, and Zlatko. all great guys and they are awesome.
the food is good. everything is a little lighter here. not as much of everything and a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits. I'm eating a lot of what i would never eat at home. like peppers and olives and other veggies. i'm trying to get over being a picky eater. which is hard but i need to do it. i still hate olives though. nasty little things. they do have pizza, though it is very different from the u.s. pizza. a lot different actually but sometimes very good. i love the pekarna(bakery) so good. So much better than US bread and stuff. I love it."

Another email to the fam:
"the mission is very obedient and we dont have nearly any worthiness or obedience issues. I just realized that this mission is really amazing and that its different that most others around the world. I found out that when you become a senior companion you are automatically either a district leader, trainer, or a branch president. its a crazy mission. but its awesome. next transfer at least two of our group will be companions, that means that two brand new missionaries will be a senior comp, that could be me! i dont even know the language let alone be a district leader or something like that. its a little weird knowing that. our transfer is still going and ends in December. our transfers are two months not just 6 weeks. Jesus the Christ by Elder Talmage is one of the greatest books I've ever read. As I read it with the Bible it explains all the questions I have and its just a wonderful way to come to know Christ better. I've also read Our Search for Happines by Elder M. Russel Ballard. I love reading it. it helps me deepen my understanding of the gospel. I do enjoy reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and also all the religion books i have. The biggest thing that hit me lately is that we shouldn't read the Book of Mormon to know the book better, but we should read it to know Christ better. Doing that has helped my reading a lot.
Just a few more things. Being Japanese here is so different. People stare at me not only for the fact that im dressed us and have a name tag but also that I'm not white. the other day a kid in the tramvaj leaned his head out the window and yelled "konichiwa" to me. i just couldnt help but laugh and my companion was so confused on what just happened. i get asked all the time what I am and where i came from and all that jazz. its fun being the only one in the mission thats not all white. I stand out like a sore thumb."

Haha oh he makes me laugh.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Park near his apartment


Cathedral near his apartment

All Saint's Day

Lake Bled


Here are some of the recent emails we've received:

"i'm going to send you some pics from all saints day (day of the dead) where all the graves are decorated and there are millions of candles everywhere. it was amazing.
not much has changed, k.c. got deported but we met with him before he left so that was good. he says he's going to get baptized in africa, so we're excited. he even apologized to us for it we were just really happy for him. other than that we're working really hard to get a new investigator and just find people. we contacted over 200 people in 4 days so we're really working. there's a few potentials. Nada is one, she's a student in our english class. she went to general conference, she asks about our spiritual thoughts and last week she even came to sacrament meeting and she finally said she wants to meet with us. so theres hope there. another is a man we contacted on the street. we gave him a book of mormon and he gave us his number. we called him just the other night and he said he absolutely loves the book of mormon and loves how much there is in it about Christ. he said he deffinitely wants to meet with us and he even has a friend that he might bring a long. so thats the other. other than that our zagrb district is kicking trash. we have about 4 or 5 investigators at church every week and we're looking for 15 baptisms this transfer. we have a lot of work out in front of us but its totally possible and we're working hard to get it."

"so ive been out and about around 3 weeks and i love it. croatia is amazing. My companion is elder Anderson. he's from canada, and he's been in the country for 2 transfers, so about 4 months. zagreb has a lot of history, there are a couple cobblestone paths and some alleyways, but for the most part you only run into that when youre in old zagreb. zagreb has a ton of parks and also Mirogoj, which are huge cemeteries. we went there for all saints day (day of the dead) and I took a lot of pics. I'll be sure to send some soon. we walk everywhere. i've already dropped 10 pounds and hope to keep doing so for a little bit. the food is pretty good for the most part. I enjoy a lot of it but there are some things that just arent that good. there's only one or two areas where they ride bikes. Pekarne (bakery) are the best. I absolutely love the smell of fresh bread around every corner and love eating the sandwiches. so good. I think one of our hard days was when we tracted and contacted about 80 people and none of them even gave us a chance. all of them said no within the first 5 seconds and we even got yelled at a couple of times. but thats ok, we've been having a lot of that. we contacted over 200 people in 4 days which was hard work but we were excited to get it. its just kinda normal now to get declined all day and not get any success, but that doesn't stop us from trying. we're really looking hard for new investigators right now. hopefully they'll come soon."

This one was to my dad answering some questions-
"To answer your questions. I do love my area. Its big and there are a lot of people. They say its the biggest area in croatia. we've got the north half of the city of zagreb and the mountains to the north. a lot of people. But we love it. transfers are every 2 months so theres a chance that I move or stay. usually one companion will stay and the other will move. Elder Anderson has been here for a transfer before I got here already so he thinks that I'll stay and he will go. but we'll see. our appartment is right next to an awesome park and the cathedral. so its nice. We eat rather well. we cook for ourselves and sometimes go out to eat. I've lost 7 kilos since I got out here which is around 15 pounds. I think its because we eat a lot and very healthy and then we are always walking. Being in constant motion all day just kinda has a way of slimming you down. In all of Croatia there are 21 elders, 6 sisters and 4 senior couples. our group of 8 elders made up almost half of the mission here. In zagreb there are 4 elders, 2 sisters and a senior couple. our branch in zagreb has about 30 active members that come every week. so its a pretty big branch. well, the biggest in croatia. so you asked for number of missionaries in our zone. our zone is croatia, so the numbers I gave you for croatia are the numbers for our zone and our district is zagreb so those are the same as the numbers for the city. Its getting kinda cold. it snowed last tuesday but it was about 3°C so it didnt stick."

"News update not only 10 pounds but about 15 now. dont worry I'm eating a lot and good. just eating a lot more healthy and doing a lot of work and walking a lot. You can tell mrs Eisel that I teach the intermediate english class, which is mostly a conversation class. the beginning class is taught by the sisters and they go over grammer and stuff like that. We just teach give them more vocab and talk with them. the way we are learning a new language is by speaking it every day, so thats what we have them do. they mostly just talk about their weeks and ask us questions. and if they make mistakes then we just fix it right there and they love it. Nada came to church last sunday but missed this week. I hope we'll be able to talk with her some time soon. We met a man named Saša. he is amazing. he's been in contact with the elders for a long time but for some reason just lost contact. so we found him and hes awesome. he's been taugh a lot so we're just reviewing everything with him. he says he knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, thats awesome. we're working with him to get him going. Its totally fine to give my email to anyone and everyone. I dont really have time to send letters, its just faster and cheaper this way. well we're still working hard and after this week I'll be half way done with this transfer. it flew by and everyone says they get faster. so i'm sure I'll be trying to savor every last second."

Sorry I've been a little behind on keeping you all updated! Send me an email and I'll actually be glad to forward his emails to you! My address is